Детская комната
We have bedrooms, living rooms, office, studio or workspace, billiard room and so on… Children have all of that in one room.
Therefor when you prepare a children room remember that this room is a whole “wonderland” and more this country would be filled
with different details, ideas – the better it would be. Any stuff surrounding your kid in the current room – that is inexhaustible
source of imagination and new room design ideas. That will help you to perceive your child’s world.
One more thing to pay attention to in forming the design of rooms for kids is the variety of objects on the shelves in kids room
and in the house in general, the diversity of textures, textiles, colors – all of that together shapes the capability of a child
to become a creative person, it develops mental and physical flairs.
Kids Room for girls. Watch children rooms for girls gallery >>
Kids Rooms for boys. Watch children rooms for boys gallery>>
“Wild Wild West” stylized Children room >>
Children room in “Dinosaur” style >>
Room for kids in “marine” style >>
“Aircraft” styled kids room >>
Mirrors in the children room
There always has to be a place for mirror in the design of children rooms. Passing by any of the glassy
mirror surfaces you unwittingly glance on your reflection. That it really important to anyone and especially
for children! Your responsibility is to give your child such possibility in his or her private room.
That doesn’t really matter, a boy or a girl, let mirror be in kinds room, so the child could see his or
her own reflection from different angles and viewpoints. That is the child’s adaptation to his or her
own representation, and it is extremely important for the self-appraisal of your child.
Room for Teenager
Your child is about to go to school – that is the time when serous changes appear
to the design of your child’s room. Home works appear, toys and games change, time for
game plays shortens. The elder your child grows, the more clearly new objects appear
in your child room, new furniture, and new interior.
The children room interior design examples